autonomes auto stanley der universität stanford

autonomes auto stanley der universität stanford

autonomes auto stanley der universität stanford

In a race that began and ended in a casino parking lot and traversed 132 miles of desert southwest of Las Vegas on Oct. 8, the Stanford Racing Team’s autonomous robotic car, Stanley, won big. The artificially intelligent car traversed the off-road course in a little less than seven hours, yielding both a $2 million payout and a lofty place in the history of robotics and technology. The car and team returned to the university on Tuesday.
Credit: Linda A. Cicero / Stanford News Service

David Fluhr

Ich schreibe seit 2011 über das Thema Autonomes & Vernetztes Fahren. Ich habe Sozialwissenschaften an der HU Berlin studiert und bin seit 2012 selbstständiger Journalist. Kontakt:

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